Apr 18, 2012

Dream 18.4.The Journey Home

In the beginning I was at a construction site. I and some guys I worked with needed to go to a cellar. Our job there was to cut an wire, but as I was cutting it, one of the other guys said it was the wrong one so we let it be.
Next memory is from a train station. It looked just like school auditoriums and people selling tickets were randomly scattered around the place. The ticket seller looked familiar to me. When I was trying to buy a ticket, she said they were all sold out, but continued to sell them to others. Idecided to walk home.
The road home was through a forest. The kind of forest I've seen in my other dreams. As I walking I noticed a stick on the ground and picked it up. For some reason I decided to eat it. I tasted like carrot and when I taked another look at it, it was indeed a carrot.
I got home, but it wasn't really my home. It was like a strange version of my sisters apartment. I entered the elevator with a beer. There was another man in the elevator. I took a small sip of the beer and farted at the same time. The other man said some joke about it, but when I tried to answer, my tongue felt paralyzed. He thought I was really drunk.
The apartment I entered at the top floor looked like a roadside diner with windows covering every side. The other guys from the start of my dream were inside already.
The apartment was full of video gaming stuff; posters, consoles, etc. We started playing some game and that's where my memory from the dream ends.

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